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Sovereign Strength
Sovereign Strength wikiConsume video


Consume Lyrics

All massive tumors, all around the beer bong and tap,
feeding ignorance that
has been passed, from generation to generation, that this
is living well.
You’re all the living dead, consume and consume. Soon
you’ll eat your own
limbs. You tried the true American way to drink out your
senses. We wonder
where love went, the same place your drink did. You tried
the true American way
to drink out your senses. We wonder where the love went,
the same place your
drink did.The pisser, you numbed yourself. I listen to my
heart, you can’t even
think. I can feel everything, I feel everything. My
strength, my heart, my
hope, my life. You tried the true American way to drink
out your senses. We
wonder where love went, the same place your drink did.
You tried the true
American way to drink out your senses. We wonder where
the love went, the same
place your drink did. My strength, my heart, my hope, my
life.... Liberated!

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2010 Mediaskare Records
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