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In The Mirror
Sovereign Strength
Sovereign Strength wikiIn The Mirror video


In The Mirror Lyrics

Those things you said when you were running, running
through my head... running
through my head. How long have I been like this, so
blind, so far from
everything. I’ve come to realize, my life isn’t really
about my sins in the
past, that’s not my life’s purpose.... I’ve been taking a
look on all of the
past years, and it doesn’t make any sense. What have you
gotten from this? Take
a look at yourself in the mirror, you’ll be surprised
what you find about
yourself. Another day gone by, how did we ever get this
far? Let’s go.... Fix
all your problems, only me to blame. So perfect, never
let it go... never let
it go.... Take a look at yourself in the mirror, you’ll
be surprised what you
find about yourself. Another day gone by, how did we ever
get this far? Those
things you said when you were running... running through
my head... You’re
running through my head. You’re running through my head.

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2010 Mediaskare Records
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