There once was a manwho had to work his mind
It wasn't his fault
it just happened all the time
In spite of the shaowy figures
that circled and fed
With venom and spittle
they muttered and sputtered
and this is what they said
Roll over
and take your kicks to the head
like a man
Roll over
in the most sporting way you can
You know you're outnumbered
by minds unencumbered
with 2 + 2 is 4
Get screaming and kicking
Each moment is ticking
And ten times as loud as the moment before
And there was a man
who never had a spine
He wanted to move
but he trembled all the time
In fear at the chorus of voices
that rang in his head
The song that has always
divided the quick and the dead
Roll over
Roll over and take your kicks to the head
like a man
Roll over
in the most sporting way you can
Roll over
And there was a man
who had to work his mind
It wasn't his fault
but he trembled all the time