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Stupid Stupid Henchmen
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Overwhelmed Lyrics

I can’t let the world get to me
With my bleeding dreams and my nightmare screams
Cuz The fear of death has slipped my mind
And were all dead right now it's just a matter of time
Kill kill f*ckin rob and steal,
Don’t obey the laws cuz he’s not f*ckin real
So do what you want and don’t get caught
Cuz ya can’t go in the world with the fear of being bought

Cut yer eyes and pluck out yer teeth
Cuz it's better not to see and it's safer not to speak
They’ll hear what ya say and take away all ya got
Cuz that hurts the most when you lose yer true love
Sit there I’ll leave ya with a blood stain
I've pulled a gun on myself and I’ll do it again
Slice slice here my f*ckin throat splice
I never will admit I like hanging from a tree

When the world gets to you
Hold yerself back cuz nothing is true
Yer friends let you down
They stab you in the back and never come back
Bloods trickles down my arm
Attacking like a storm
I wish I'd feel the pain
Cuz it's blood I want and death I seek.

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2017 845 Records
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