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T Bone Shuffle
T-bone Walker
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T Bone Shuffle Lyrics

Let your hair down baby, 'n' let's have a natural ball
Let your hair down baby, 'n' let's have a natural ball
'Cause when you're not happy, it ain't no fun at all

You can't take it with you, that's one thing for sure
You can't take it with you baby, that's one thing for
There's nothing wrong with you baby, that a good T-Bone
shuffle can't cure

Have fun while you can, fate's an awful thing
Have fun while you can, fate's an awful thing
You can't tell what might happen, that's why I love to

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): T.-Bone Walker, Doug Sahm
Record Label(s): 2010 Wnts
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