Our Father, Who Art in Heaven
Hallowed be, Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be Done
On earth, as it is, in Heaven
Long before He taught us how to pray,
Daniel was a man who knelt three times a day
When he was cast into the lions' den,
God answered Daniel when he prayed again
So, pray my brother, pray my sister
Open up the window of your heart
Get down on your knees
Renew the day before it starts
You hold the kingdom keys -- pray
It seems that we have lost the will to call
Upon ol' Daniel's God who hears and answers all
When lions have our lives in disarray,
The Lord will always answer when we pray
So come on,
Pray my brother, pray my sister
Open up the window of your heart
Get down on your knees
Renew the day before it starts
You hold the kingdom keys