Gorillas in the jungle
Gazelles out in the field
Goats are in the barnyard
And gophers in their holes
Go, go, go, go for G
Go, go, go, go for G
You'll feel glorious, generous, gleeful and great
When you go, go, go, go for G
Goof balls in their go-carts
Girl scouts chewing gum
Grandma with her gingerbread
And the drummer plays a gong
Go, go, go, go for G
Go, go, go, go for G
You'll feel gracious, gigantic, grateful and glad
When you go, go, go, go for G
Grapes, glue, gyroscopes
Go, go, go, go for G
Go, go, go, go for G
You'll feel glorious, generous, gleeful and great
When you go, go, go, go for G