The A To Z Of You And Me Lyrics
A for effort
B for bravery
C for credit where it's due
Indeed it may be
E for expectation
F for information g for glory
And h for telling one hell of a story
I for u and you for me
J for joining in harmony
If k is now for kharma
Then I has to be for love
M is for meaning
N is for saying no
Oh is what we say in wonder
Please don't let me go
Q stands for action
R is your right
S is for sense
Teaser's telepathy
Y don't you be my guest
Excess is for losers
And z is still for zoos
P. s. is for the bits I missed
P. s. is for the bits I missed
P. s. is for the bits I missed
(i.e. v&w)
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these lyrics are submitted by Lu Yeah
Record Label(s): 2001 Misplaced
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