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Distant Memory
Through The Roots
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Distant Memory Lyrics

Slow down spinning around my head
Her dancing silhouette is on my ceiling
Calm down it's all just in my head, My head
Her dancing silhouette, It
It takes me back

Although the truth is
All so confusing
One day I'm liberated
Next day I'm devastated
I had to choose it
I'm not used to it
One day I'm liberated
Next day I'm devastated

Just when I feel complete
Somehow, I come up empty
Why can't I
Let it be
You and I
A distant memory

And i just can't sleep
In a bed half empty
Why can't I let it be
You and I, A
Distant memory
Slow down spinning around my head
Her voice calls to me
Should I run after
No doubt it's only in my head
Moving forward feels like
I'm falling back
Although the truth is
All so confusing
One day I'm liberated
Next day I'm devastated
I had to choose it
I'm not used to it
One day I'm liberated
Next day I'm devastated

Just when I feel complete
Somehow, I come up empty
Why can't I, Let it be
You and I A distant memory

And I just can't sleep
In a bed half empty
Why can't I
Let it be
You and I
A Distant memory

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these lyrics are submitted by gsba3
Record Label(s): 2019 LAW Records
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