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Africa Revolution
Tiken Jah Fakoly


Africa Revolution Lyrics

We want revolution Young people revolution Intelligent revolution Must be African education We want revolution Young people revolution Intelligent revolution Must be black people revolution

Go to school brother And learn what they are doing It will open up your eyes To the people's situation Go to school my brother I said go to school my brother You will understand very soon All the problems of your nation

We want revolution Young people revolution Intelligent revolution Must be African education

In your mind brother There is the power to change your world This understanding Will help to make a better place And in your hands brother There is the key to this continent And if you don't unlock it soon It will be lost to the government

African revolution must be black people redemption

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Jonathan Quarmby, Thomas Naim, Tiken Jah Fakoly

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