They say they'll always say You walk too fast in front Slow down there's easier ways Hell, stay behind with us
And what's easier than worth doin' It's cause enough for us We're just dishes in the dining room That no one is to touch
And by the curses I've eaten I stick with all that are stuck 'Til tossed away in perdition I'll dig my way through the dark
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
By now I know my rights will outweigh them But I see no way to evade them They'd say my name and I'd obey them And they'll ask for more and I'll pay them
They laughed back when I tried to dance with you Cause they tied my left to my right shoe They tied my left to my right shoe
Ride on my sailors Deep in my mind I've always believed in you Throw me a line
You can't swim in the shallow side And you can't run through tide We'll always be looking backwards Stuck on this side On this side On this side
check amazon for On This Side mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan Songwriter(s): Clare Alison Bowditch Record Label(s): 2007 Sub Pop Official lyrics by
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