This ancient mountain is tall and black shadow draws ancient and cold My men and I have “journeyed forth” But alas, the trail has grown old
My father set out ere the winter came, and naught of his travels we learned And spring has come and gone again yet never did we see his return
Many men have followed
to learn where father had gone
with prickled necks we venture forth
Into the Shadow of a Mountain!
The journey here has been cruel and fierce Forward through sun, snow and sleet Through every season we have come to this place' to learn of my kinsmens sad fate
deep within this ice-scorned place a crack that is cold as night Deep in this craig on mountains-side my father's body locked in ice
To this place I have come at last To learn of that evil truth His life has been taken from me and with it has gone my youth
Some enemy has sundered his limbs left his body a husk Some enemy has torn him piece from piece they left him to die in the dusk
I cry to the Gods, the all-powerful ones
who surely must witness my pain
I cry to the Gods of the wind and the sea,
"Now, give me my enemy's name!"
Suddenly, revealed to me Askew-ed from vision, a shrine in the snow Runes laid in stone tell of ethereal being "I am Skadhi, and this is my home."
"Skadhi," I cry to the wind! "Dweller of old Thrymsheim! Skadhi, queen of the frozen mount! I beg for my enemy's name!"