When I call you all I get is your
Voicemail mean damn
What did I do baby all I want to
Do is talk to you but you
Ain’t answering your
For me baby
I only got 5 minutes to tell you how
I feel about you baby 4 minutes to get everything
Off my mind I wonder if
I told you that I love you will you
Just play me out like a joke this
Ain’t no game so why are you
Playing like this my heart is
Break I can believe she is
Playing me
Foolish games
Foolish games
Foolish games
Foolish games
She said she loves me
But I don’t feel like she does
So why the hell I keep on saying
That I love you when I know I don’t
Gotta be a foolish thought to say that I love
When I know I don’t girl stop wasting
My time saying that you love me
Because I think it’s all bullshit anyway
I only got 5 minutes to tell you how
I feel about you baby 4 minutes to get everything
Off my mind I wonder if
I told you that I love you will you
Just play me out like a joke this
Ain’t no game so why are you
Playing like this my heart is
Break I can believe she is
Playing me
Foolish games
Foolish games
Foolish games
Foolish games