Thousand tears I have shed
Million hearts before my very eyes bled
Broken down to my knees
The Devil deaf to my merciful pleas
Silver feathers torn to shreds
(Red blood upon my shoulder)
Down on my knees in the depths of hell
(God have mercy on this fallen angel)
God have mercy on this fallen angel
God have mercy on this fallen angel
I lay me down to sleep
The Devil has my soul forever to keep
Freedom's dream is my vice
But I don't know if I dare pay the price
For what is freedom,
(But a way to weigh you down?)
A match to burning fire
(A cup of water when you drown?)
Three tender souls are the cost
If I walk free their lives forever are lost
Should I go or stay?
I just don't know 'cause it's Hell either way
How long in torture must I lie?
By God, I wish to Hell that angels could die!
Silver feathers torn to shreds
(Red blood upon my shoulder)
Down on my knees in the depths of hell
(God have mercy on this fallen angel)
God have mercy on this fallen angel
God have mercy on this fallen angel
God have mercy on this angel
God have mercy on me!