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Gain Lyrics

I know where I am going,
because I choose to live in the light,
and I know I will struggle,
but I have God by my side.
Evil is all around me,
testing me to do what's wrong,
but I will not back away,
for God has made me strong.

God has saved me from my pain,
and for Him I will stand.
I've been made new,
by the blood that was shed.
I've been made strong,
by His power over death.

I will stand strong to His name.
I will stand strong without shame.
I will stand strong in the midst of pain.
For to live is to die,
and to die is to gain.

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Record Label(s): 1994 Tooth & Nail Records All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws Manufactured by EMI Christian Music Grou
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