Today I heard a story
From an old man on the street
This Country's in trouble
It's hard to make ends meet
If unleaded gas
Hits another high peak
I don't know what
The working man will do
A whole lot of things
Have been coming undone
Paying for the diesel that
Makes big trucks run
Will raise up the price
Of that Bacon we buy son
Did you hear?
The next election has begun
Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum
Which politicians
Will we send to Washington?
America we have a choice
We pick the chosen ones
It's up to you it's up to me
Now let's go get-err-done
Congress won't let
This this Country drill for oil
We need refineries
Build here on our soil
Those opek countries
Sure are acting royal
Do they respect old
Red White and Blue?
I paid all my life for
Social security
Trusting Uncle Sam
Would invest it for me
They're spending it now
To fix this economy
Pointing fingers trying to
Put there shame on me
Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum
Which politicians
Will we send to Washington?
America we have a choice
We pick the chosen ones
It's up to you it's up to me
Now let's go get her done
You know I love this country
But son of a gun
Controlling our borders
Has to be number one
I'm talking in English
And I've a got to press a one
Talking to a voice
That lives in Tim-Buc-Tu
A third of my wages
Now that's mighty rough
Can you believe?
How there wasting that stuff
The small business man's
Regulations are so tough
Real jobs are getting
Far and few between
Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum
Which politicians
Will we send to Washington?
America we have a choice
We pick the chosen ones
It's Up to you, it's up to me
Now let's go get err done
I'm not against folks
Migrating here
If they respect our ways
And the burdens are shared
You've got to do it legal friend,
Now that's only fair
I think that how
You'd like folks treating you.
Some Politian's say
They want to raise the tax
Ridiculous spending
Is what they need to axe
Government's the reason
Our economy is sacked
Fix the Boarders
Let's take this country back
Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum
Which politicians
Will we send to Washington?
America we have a choice
We pick the chosen ones
It's up to you. It's up to me
Now let's go get err done
Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum ©Copyright 11-01-12 -2012 words & Music Ted L. Beckley