False Idols Lyrics

i never cared to know your name. roll out the red it's all the same. false idols scream for our love. compete for stage devote
for name. it's all pathetically the same. convinced of starlight beauty. a must watch all tune in. a celebration heartache. hail
false heroes. surrender to our envy. no boundaries left untouched. no passion left for memories. no passion for real memories.
here we stand. lessened are the far and few who sustain, protect and nurture. who stands before us. we lay our lives down for the
star. who stands before us. as we speak. we lay our lives down for the star. it's all pathetically the same

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Songwriter(s): Mike Justian, Paul Mcgrath, Ken Susi, Trevor Jon Phipps, John Maggard
Record Label(s): 2004 Metal Blade Records
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