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Trip With Jesus
Union Underground
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Trip With Jesus Lyrics

Hey I'm a selfish servant low
They lied a fear and loathing
A chosen one it's so undone
Load your gun the damage done

Never me they will fail to see
I will get so high that I trip...
Apathy and a bitter me I will fail to see
That he walks among us

So what save it for your own
Are you happy man I am
Watch me fly I'm Superman

It's such a bore when I'm bringin' down that horse
Just let me bleed one more just one more

It's such a shame that it is this way
I'm a junkie God is gay
Hate to bleed but it heals my pain
Whatever man never never never never


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Songwriter(s): Bryan Wayne Scott
Record Label(s): 2000 Sony Music Entertainment Inc
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