These are almost the words
I intended to say
This so nearly makes sense
Although the cut's too close for comfort
Language goes eventually astray
There goes the neighbourhood
Under the flood
And comprehension's culled and clustered
Round the sudden onrush of hot blood
And in imprecision
We are all lost for words
All lost, alas, alack
All points alarm
Sounding out the sweet sargasso
Sea of language we are all becalmed
So close, almost the words
But nearly isn't clear and drains our
Understanding of the overheard
In incomprehension
We are all lost for words
All at last lost for words
All at last's lost
We are all lost for words
At last you come round to believe what you heard
As circumstance found you lost for words
The secret's unspoken, the sense is absurd
The safety net's broken, lost for words