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That Lucky Old Sun
Vaughn Monroe


That Lucky Old Sun Lyrics

There I Go
Vaughn Monroe
(I. Weiser)

There I go, leading with my heart again
And There I go, acting not so smart again
But tho it's unwise, I can't disguise my love.

Tho I know too much love may curb the fire
Yet, There I go

Led astray by my desire
There's no golden rule to guide a fool in love.
I tell my heart, "Be careful,
Or you'll find that you dream alone."
I'm wise it's true, what good does it do?
My heart has a mind of its own.

There I go, spilling all the dreams I knew
And there I go thrillingly in love with you.
Don't know if you care, Darling,
But There I go.

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Songwriter(s): Kelly L. Gordon, Haven Gillespie, Dean Kay, Beasley Smith
Record Label(s): 2007 Prestige Elite
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