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There I Go
Vaughn Monroe


There I Go Lyrics

There, I've Said It Again
Vaughn Monroe

I love you, there's nothing to hide

It's better than burning inside
I love you, no use to pretend
There, I've said it again

I've said it, what more can I say
Believe me, there's no other way
I love you, I will to the end
There, I've said it again

I've tried to drum up

A phrase that would sum up
All that I feel for you
But what good are phrases
The thought that amazes
Is you love me, and it's heavenly

Forgive me for wanting you so
But one thing I want you to know
I've loved you since heaven knows when
There, I've said it again

[Musical interlude]

Forgive me for wanting you so
But one thing I want you to know
I've loved you since heaven knows when
There I go, there I've said it again

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Hy Zaret, Irving Weiser
Record Label(s): 1999 Lost Gold Records
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