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Warhead Lyrics

Warhead - hear the thunder roar
Warhead - unite the lightning whore

Power burning - hell & man
Raging torment - take my hand
Frenzied motions - reach your soul
Dance the warhead - fast or slow

Warhead - hear the thunder roar
Warhead - unite the lightning whore

Born of thunder
Raised by fire
Call the heavens
By desire

Warhead - hear the thunder roar
Warhead - unite the lightning whore

Screaming furnace - death of life
Demons calling - chosen wives
Sabbats charming - out in lust
Chance the warhead - win or bust

Warhead - hear the thunder roar
Warhead - unite the lightning whore
Warhead - engraved on flesh & bone
Warhead - born of mortal stone

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these lyrics are submitted by musixmatch2
these lyrics are last corrected by Ouranos & Luna on October 17, 2016
Songwriter(s): Bill Laswell, John Zorn, Conrad Lant, Jeffrey Dunn, Mick Harris, Anthony Bray
Record Label(s): 2002 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd
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Meaning to "Warhead" song lyrics (1 meaning)
Ouranos & Luna August 29, 2016-14:33

This song was written by Conrad Lant, Jeff Dunn and Tony Bray. We don't know why the other guys are mentioned but they didn't write this song.
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