cloudy with myopia to read the signs i nearly had to bump
my nose lucky socks and lucky shoes on i drove past every
home i knew in the locker room my lips were blue and
laughter echoed from the pool and i could stare me
down... wishing on a mystery polaroid in haze tears of
boredom gave the world a sharper face will you hold my
grudges while i wash my hands? they've lost their flavor
for today though the albums are revisionist and i don't
forward any male still they're stacking up somewhere,
stubborn to fade a leaning tower, a piece of every mess
i've made but keep the cameos out of this episode let
rugs be lumpy, let my closet have a party for old bones
with a life-size eraser i'm going over everyone with a
life-size eraser i'm going over everyone's tongues