Alice Of Human Sacrifice Lyrics

The first Alice was a wrathful women of the spade
And rightously she held a sharpened blade within her
Never hesitating to slay all within her way
Creating paths of blood that followed through her
Deep into the darkened forest, Alice walked the line
Captured and imprisoned as embodiment of sin
If it were not for the murderous wake left behind
No one would have suspected that she had ever been

The second Alice was a fragile man of the diamond
The broken echos of the lies within dememted words
He sang his twisted melodies to all in Wonderland
Creating the image of the sick and the disturbed
Deadly yet so beautiful a voice just like a rose
Was shot by a mad man who silenced him to death
Single rose bloomed in his place with no music
With twisted grin this dying man lay breathing his
last breath

The third Alice was an innocent young girl of club
An enchanting, graceful figure in the world of
She charmed the people in the land to every beck and
A peculear country answering to each command
So she rose into the throne to be the country's queen
Comsumed by paranoia of her own impending death
Soon the queen sucumbed to a dark and nightmarish
Disguised her kindness, loathing fate, she secured her

As this passed, two children walked in the woods
Partaking in tea underneath the trees, they never part
They found an invitation to the queen
It was the ace of hearts
The fourth Alice was a duo of curiosity
Both were lost and could not find the boat where they
So they ran through countless open doors so recklesly
A brother and a sister running wild through Wonderland
A stubborn elder sister, a witty younger brother
But they had strayed to far into Alice's Wonderland

They were never woken from their terrifying dream
Forever they will wonder this twisted fairy tale

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these lyrics are submitted by LilObsesser Origional verson: rockleetist

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