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Caught In The Sun


Caught In The Sun Lyrics

I pray to God every day
Help me believe all the words I say
And wash all my sins away
But can you see me any other way?
So here I stand...
Burned, caught in the sun
(I can't throw it all away)
So I run 'cause I'm not the only one

(Afraid of losing everything)
I wait for you every day
But you don't hear me calling your name
I push everyone away
'Cause they don't see me as one in the same
So here I stand...
Burned, caught in the sun
(I can't throw it all away)
So I run 'cause I'm not the only one
(Afraid of losing everything)

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2006 ItsAboutMusic com
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