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Jigsaw Man
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Jigsaw Man Lyrics

I am imperfect
I am broken inside
I am incomplete
I need something, something
I try to remember
I try to forget
Too much on my mind
Too much I regret

Can't find my mind

I try to keep those loose ends tied up
Keep from falling through those cracks
Before I know it I am
Heading down the wrongway track
Sometimes the things I lean on to help me
They don't they only destroy what I am

I'll get my head together if I can
All those missing pieces
Jigsaw man

I'm not the person that you see
Altered my personality
I'm not the man I was before
Just a little more

I was imperfect
I was broken inside
I was incomplete
Needed something, something
I tried to remember
I tried to forget
Too much in my mind
Too much

I'll get my head together if I can
All those missing pieces
Jigsaw man

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2015 YAAG Records
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