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9.8 Lyrics

I'm scared that you can't see
All the things I see
And maybe I'm wrong

I, I have this [?]
Break all [?]
So give me some more

And I'm, I'm not saying I'm lonely
But I feel like the only kid keeping score

And I, I am a fire, [?] going higher
I'm burning the land
And all changing is heavy
But won't you let me
I am what I am

I, I know whose around me
And the nose about me
And I know who is not
Sweet, sweet yellow vision
Make a revision
Here is my thought

I am on fire, smoke going higher
I'm burning the land
Oh I, I am a fire, [?] going higher
And burning the land
And all changing is heavy
But won't you let me
I am what I am

And I'm, I'm scared that you can't see
All the things I see
And maybe I'm wrong

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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Songwriter(s): Jesse Wells
Record Label(s): 2018 300 Entertainment
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