That tract of earth is not, over mid-earth
Fellow too many peopled lands
But it is withdrawn
Through creations might
From wicked men!
Beauteous is the plain
With enchantments blessed
With the sweetness of earth
Distinctive is the island
And noble its makers
Who the land founded
That is a pleasant plain
Green worlds
Spacious under blue skies;
There may not rain nor snow
Nor rage of frost, nor fire's blast
Nor fall of hail, nor heat of sun
Nor barren cold, nor winter shower
The plain endures forever
That glorious land is higher by twelve fold
Of fathom measure
As us the skillful have informed
Sages, through wisdom
In writings show
Than any of those hills
That brightly here with us
Tower high!
Under the stars
Serenity lies o'er the glorious plain
The sunny bower glitters
The trees ever stand green!