In the mountains of the earth yeah all wings in the air all cause boughs burning sun was turning into darkness there rose a lady with the blackest wings oh
This succubus comes in the twilight hieratic fire all black and burning a son and man she did conceive with and on the bed there were dead angels
In the corner of the basement there lies a baby in the cabbage patch where spirits walk with burning candles there is no sunshine in this evil house noooo noooo
Little child in the garden in the distance tolls no grim row bell (?) he throws a coin into the water when there's a demon in his wishing well ha ha ha ha haaaa
check amazon for Black Saint mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan Songwriter(s): Dave Sweetapple, Joseph Donald Mascis Jr, Kyle Matthew Thomas, Asa Irons Record Label(s): 2006 Tee Pee Records Official lyrics by