The Harvest Lyrics

The valley is wide and the canyons are deep
For a harvest is ready of that which to reap
Many before grabbed a sickle to shear
But their days have past and your time is near
So listen to me
and heed my words see
The world will tell you
that we are foolish
My words are not of simple flesh and blood
My words are not of simple flesh and blood
There is a famine of truth and love
So we must press forward, forget what's behind
But still we must go and advance His Word
But still we must go

We must go now!
We must go now!
No looking back we press on
No looking back we press on to the kingdom of God

Have our hands worked the fields for Your glory?
Or have our tongues spoken of Your story?
Have our feet seen the pain in the labor?
Or have we wandered off and wavered?

Racing the clock with our selfish involvement
Pacing our walk till the sun falls, the day's spent
Have the stalks seen the blade of your sheer?
And will you labor and work for your rest, rest is

If only I can see things through Your eyes
Ignite in me a burning flame
Forsaken life I count it as loss for the sake of the
Before the sun goes down

Before the coming of night
One will have I, and testament I will observe
One will have I, and testament I will
I will serve

Have our hearts felt the anguish of toil?
Or worked the ground tiling broken soil?
Have our eyes seen the joy in the reaping?
Or have we shied from our work with our sleeping?

Racing the clock with our selfish involvement
Pacing our walk till the sun falls, the day's spent
Have the stalks seen the blade of your sheer?
And will you labor and work for your rest, rest is

If only I can see things through Your eyes
Ignite in me a burning flame
Forsaken life I count it as loss for the sake of the
Before the sun goes down

My family as one unite
The time is ever nearing as we're losing daylight
So listen to me and heed my words see
The world will tell you that we are foolish
Hear you now the Master's voice it calls
Hear you now the Master's voice it calls
The harvest is plenty but the workers are few
The harvest is plenty but the workers are few

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
these lyrics are last corrected by Graham
Record Label(s): 2012 Solid State Records All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws Manufactured by Tooth & Nail,
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