The barefoot man led me up the mountainside
With every step he left the trail of pain behind
Said if you can't pay you mustn't climb
This rock asks nothing but it knows your blood from mine
The sun's not going down the sun's just being shy
The clouds look heavy like they're duck-taped to the sky
But it won't rain and I know why
No one's dancing, no one's praying, no one bleeds, and no one cries
At the crosswalk I lost the flip flop in the street
Kicked off the other and walked the distance in bare feet
Over sharp terrain and dreadful heat
I left this blood for you so you might favor me next time we meet
The barefoot man led me up the mountainside
With every step he left the trail of pain behind
Said if you can't pay you mustn't climb
This rock asks nothing but it knows your blood from mine