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The Price
Works Progress Administration
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The Price Lyrics

What a wreck we've made of our sweet love
What a sorrow and a shame
To reject a gift from God above
To throw it down and walk away
An angel sheds a tear from high
To mourn a wonder lost
And to mark the petty victories
Won at such a cost

What a rare and fragile thing love is
So delicate and fine
If you tend to it with tenderness
Then it will pay you back in kind
But angry words from bitter lips
Wither love away
Broken hearts and empty arms are the price we pay

And I would give what's left of my small worth
For it not to end this way
Broken hearts and empty arms are the price we pay
Now I'm standing on this empty shore
Watching ripples on a lake
How they spread and grow from one small stone
Like echoes of our sad mistakes
Can you find forgiveness in your heart?
I'll look for it mine
Or was our sweet love just a wishing star
That's fallen from the sky?
And I would give my world for one sweet ray of hope
To light your face
And to lie again in your sweet arms
There's no price I would not pay
Yes to find again the love we've lost
There's no price I would not pay

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Record Label(s): Works Progress Administration
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