In a distant realm where body and soul divide: "We are
the Hallifalacious, the guardians of this whole. In this
realm where mortality capitulates, we'll feed for eons
upon your temple."
Behrathas, Aehnkantos, cease to deplete from this
consumption. Welcoming in all thriving flesh. Become
ethereal to wander through Uraitahn. Welcome to Uraitahn,
the path between your vale and Shamballa. Become
ethereal. Carry on.
[Solo: Funderburk]
Deep within the bowels of the Hallifalacious' waste, the
fulcrum of a practiced past emanates within my mind's
eye. Escape from eternity is borned in my essence. The
key to the light is with the guardians. A compensation of
legendary dimensions. "Here in Uraitahn, the path between
my vale and Shamballa, I have become ethereal. I will
bring you the last talisman."