Decline Of The Western Civilization Lyrics

Power to rise above strength, ascend to fall
tower the world and in one stroke forgotten
build a great federation up to crumble
buried alive with the weight of our own doctrine
just to watch the poles change
the filth prevail over our predecessors
cut from the foundation
nothing can stand only move towards its destination
torn apart all nation
to rebuild anything you must destroy from within
demagag, to see the truth in your revolution
what are the fundementals
to rewrite history this prphesy has come full circle
this is the end of the line
what will we turn to when the state we have formed
deludes us
this state is no solution

no moral law exists with out a giver
cut from the foundation
nothing can stand only move towards its destruction
torn apart all nation
to rebuild they must destroy the God of whom we owe our
relive all that was taught
before life stops to comprehend what we had
annihilate in one generation
natural law thrown to the dogs for unnatural order
this is the end not the beginning
decline of western civilization
this state is no solution
where will we turn
save us
this is the end of the line
this state
it can not save
this state it holds no solution

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): deathstar

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