YELLOW RADIO Nobody's Sun Lyrics
Nobody’s sun
And then she dreams
About the future
Lying in her couch
Like a beautiful sculpture
She makes her dreams
Dancing with stars
She’s kissing Jupiter
Then she’ll be f*cking Mars
Crack my bones
Come back home
She just feels so alone
In this beautiful world
She cries out loud
She’s nobody’s sun
In this beautiful world
She kisses herself
Dressed as a bride in the mirror
And then she gets lost
In outter space
Biting her lips
Her arms around her hips
She makes a dream
With a star
She drinks the bottle up
And she’s lost in her war
Crack my bones
Come back home
She just feels so alone
In this beautiful world
She cries out loud
She’s nobody’s sun
In this beautiful world
She kisses herself
Dressed as a bride in the mirror
Tell me who my dear could see
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