Lick The Palm Of The Burning Handshake Lyrics

I'm the only one that sticks around
When they call your name out of a crowd
And you say it don't hurt when I'm going alone
And you know it don't hurt but I keep it strong
So I don't try to go
I just won't and you know
The need to know it takes you over
Takes you over
The need to grow it take you under
Take you under
It bares the keeping of resistance
To the listen again and again
It takes you over again and again
It takes you over

I'm the only one that makes you stop
And I know the plate is going down
When you say you don't see the red in my eyes
Do you really want to bring the fire outside
I don't want you to go
Lose my eyes I'll never show
The need to know it takes you over
Takes you over
The need to grow it take you under
Take you under
It bares the keeping of no resistance
To the listen again and again
It takes you over again and again
It takes you over
Oh, oh, oh

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
these lyrics are last corrected by Ryan Ong
Songwriter(s): nika roza danilova
Record Label(s): 2011 Sacred Bones Records
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Dennybi9fdc October 8, 2012-19:27

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