is a South Korean boy group formed by Beat Interactive, and co-managed with Swing Entertainment. The group consists of five members: Jun, Donghun, Wow, Kim Byeongkwan (formerly known as Jason) and Chan. The group debuted on May 23, 2017, with the single "Cactus". Their name stands for "Adventure Calling Emotions".On May 23, 2017,
A.C.E debuted with the single album "Cactus", a Hardstyle song. On March 15, 2018, the group released a special single titled "5TAR (Incompletion)", with the song serving as a gift to fans after their brief hiatus to join The Unit and MixNine.On June 7, 2018,
A.C.E released their first mini album, "
A.C.E Adventures in Wonde...
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