There are at least three artists which use the
Algiers name:1.
Algiers is a band of musicians born in Atlanta, Georgia, the rotten hub of the Ol’ American South, where W.E.B. Dubois once saw a riot goin’ on, and where the hell and highwater swirls ‘round to the knees.Holed up in our perches in London, New York, and a small town in France, plague up to our necks, we conjure the dead sound to life.The click clack of the keyboard brings us to worship. The shrieks of slaves and rebels pummeling through.Our tongues, twisted in the service of Paul Robeson, Lee Moses, Selda Bağcan, et al, slur a call in the darkness.
Algiers is the experimental gospel noise soul pulp response, slurping Francophilia - Gainsbourg and Dutronc, Sai...
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