Amesoeurs was a blackgaze band from Avignon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, led by Neige (also in Alcest, Lantlôs, Old Silver Key, ex-Mortifera, ex-Peste Noire, ex-Phest, live-Les Discrets and live-Empyrium), Fursy Teyssier (also in Les Discrets, ex-Phest and live-Alcest), Audrey Sylvain (also in Peste Noire and ex-Alcest) and Winterhalter (also in Alcest, Les Discrets and ex-Peste Noire). The music combines the early/mid-'90s black metal sound with elements of post-punk and female vocals.During the summer of 2004,
Amesoeurs was formed by Neige, Audrey Sylvain, and Fursy Teyssier (also of Les Discrets) with the purpose of creating music that reflects the dark side of the industrial era and modern civilization....
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