Top Amity Affliction Albums
click on the album covers to see amity affliction lyrics inside the album
Not Without My Ghosts
Not Without My Ghosts
Everyone Loves You... Once You Leave Them
Everyone Loves You... Once You Leave Them
This Could Be Heartbreak
This Could Be Heartbreak
Let the Ocean Take Me
Let the Ocean Take Me
Chasing Ghosts (Special Edition)
Chasing Ghosts (Special Edition)
Glory Days
Glory Days
Severed Ties
Severed Ties
The Amity Affliction
The Amity Affliction
Related Information for Amity Affliction
The Amity Affliction is a post-hardcore band originally from Gympie, Queensland. They have become one of the most well known hardcore bands in Australia through a strong touring ethic, a stunningly original sound and a commitment to creating a fun and exciting atmosphere within the scene. It seemingly took The Amity Affliction years to get their music together, releasing a demo in 2003 and a self-titled EP in 2004, but from the moment they released their High Hopes EP in 2007, the touring rampage began. In no time, The Amity Affliction was a household name amongst the hardcore community of Australia. Their mixture of metallic riffage, rock swagger and sing/scream vocal attacks made its mark on all who got in their way.B... read more
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