There are at least four artists with this name.1)
AOA is a South Korean girl group under FNC Entertainment that debuted in 2012.
AOA members are Seol Hyunari (Kim Seol Hyun), Choaya (윤수 / Yoon Su), Hyejeong Linus, Chanmi T T (박찬미 / Park Chan Mi), Yunaria (서유나 / Seo Yoo Na), Minaring (권민아 / Kwon Min Ah), Jiminel (신지민 / Shin Jimin), and Y (유경 / Yugyeon/ Yukyeong). They debuted on July 30th with their first single album Angels' Working the same way that a DJ works and works on a dancefloor,
AOA is an improvised jam unit. Based on the core members of Boredoms bassist Hilah, Bordoms drummer/session percussionist E-Da, Tribal Circus' Miya, Soft's drummer/electronics operator Shin...
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