Top Astaroth Albums
click on the album covers to see astaroth lyrics inside the album
Bloodrot - Single
Bloodrot - Single
Artery - EP
Artery - EP
In Reverence to the Machine God
In Reverence to the Machine God
Mercurial Tears
Mercurial Tears
Dystopian Nightmare - EP
Dystopian Nightmare - EP
The End of Silence
The End of Silence
Organic Perpetual Hatework
Organic Perpetual Hatework
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Related Information for Astaroth
There are multiple artists with this name:1) Astaroth is a Raw Black Metal band from AustrailiaMetal Archives2) Astaroth was a Black Metal band from Austria.Metal Archives3) Astaroth was a Heavy metal band from Brazil.Metal Archives4) Astaroth was a thrash metal band from Colombia.Metal Archives5) Astaroth was a death metal / thrash metal band from Finland.Metal Archives6) Astaroth was heavy metal from France.Metal Archives7) Astaroth was a black metal band from France.Metal Archives8) Astaroth was a Heavy metal band from Germany.Metal Archives9) Astaroth was a death metal band from Israel.Metal Archives10) Astaroth is a speed metal band from Italy.Metal Archives11) A... read more
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