There are at least two bands called
Bajo Tierra: 1.- A Colombian Rock band. and2.- A Venezuelan Grunge-Rock band.1.- "Bajotierra" is a colombian rock band formed by Jaime Andrés Pulgarín, Lucas Guingue, and Alejandro Duque, from Medellin, in 1989. In the earlies days the band played in the Clubs and many places on the city, and as the band played in one underground level on the city they called the band "
Bajo Tierra" in English is Underground. Their first album is the year 1990 whit Nicolas Naranjo(Singer), Alejandro Posada (Bass), Cesar Cura(drums), Daniel Betancourt(Keyboards) y Paula Vélez (Sax). the band recorded two albums
Bajo Tierra (1994) and Lavanderia (1997), with Codiscos Records. But unti...
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