Top Belmondo Albums
click on the album covers to see belmondo lyrics inside the album
Road of Bones - EP
Road of Bones - EP
Királyok kutyái
Királyok kutyái
Hülye gyerekek
Hülye gyerekek
Pár Piálás
Pár Piálás
Kalapot Le!
Kalapot Le!
Vinter I Välfärden - EP
Vinter I Välfärden - EP
Sjukdomshistoria - EP
Sjukdomshistoria - EP
Archiduchesse - EP
Archiduchesse - EP
Good Times
Good Times
Dressed Up and Let Down - EP
Dressed Up and Let Down - EP
Good... Better... Belmondo!
Good... Better... Belmondo!
Un Beso - EP
Un Beso - EP
2011 - EP
2011 - EP
Szájba rágót
Szájba rágót
Cara Morgana...
Cara Morgana...
Hogy nézel rám?
Hogy nézel rám?
Él ilyen (Alien)
Él ilyen (Alien)
Related Information for Belmondo
There are six artists on that go by the name Belmondo, from Netherlands, USA, Lithuania, Hungary, Belgium and Finland .I. BELMONDO is a four-piece Indie-Guitar-Popband, founded in 2002 in Rotterdam/The Hague, Holland. They're specialized in guitar-pop songs and supported bands such as The Posies, Weezer, Supergrass , The Dears. They released their debut-album 'Sunday Needs an Aspirin' in 2003.II. One of Pam Berry's many groups. This is what she says: "I think Belmondo happened first, and it has almost always been me and Trish with a revolving line-up on the records. When we first started way back in the day we were all girlfriends of four guys in the same band, they were on tour for mon... read more
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