There are multiple artists with the name
Benighted are a French brutal death metal band that formed in 1998 in Balbigny, France.
Benighted have released seven full-length albums: 2000's
Benighted, 2002's Psychose, 2003's Insane Cephalic Production, 2005's Identisick, 2007's icon, 2011's Asylum Cave, and 2014's Carnivore Sublime. Their work has been well-received and they are currently signed to Season of Mist.2)
Benighted is a symphonic US black metal band which was formed in 1999. Members included: Joseph Demoniaque - Vocals (Cernunnos (USA), Dreamscapes of the Perverse, Omniscient, A Vision Grotesque)Dagon - GuitarTotenGeist - GuitarMethyric - BassZacathus...
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