Top Carps Albums
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Archetype Love / Rivals [Digital 45]
Archetype Love / Rivals [Digital 45]
It's Raining In The Projects, But It's Sunny In Africa (Single)
It's Raining In The Projects, But It's Sunny In Africa (Single)
Waves and Shambles - EP
Waves and Shambles - EP
The Young & Passionate Days of Carpedia - EP
The Young & Passionate Days of Carpedia - EP
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Related Information for Carps
The Carps are from Scarborough, a pretend hood in Toronto. They are a duo that plays music for human ears. With the EP the “Young & Passionate Days of Carpedia,” and the most Recent offering “Waves & Shambles” the two ragamuffin punks deliver on the promise to set themselves far apart from elephants, swirly red and white candy, beards, brothers and sisters, and Phil Collins. The Carps stand alone. They sound like nothing you could imagine, and everything you’d like to.With Neil White captaining the Argo like ship, instructing the bass and synths with a focus akin to that of a Scientist, Jahmal Tonge plays the drums with the passion of a black baptist preacher, and sings & screams with the soul of the sweating youn... read more
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