Top Children On Stun Albums
click on the album covers to see children on stun lyrics inside the album
Tourniquets of Love's Desire (Deluxe Edition - 2021 Remaster)
Tourniquets of Love's Desire (Deluxe Edition - 2021 Remaster)
Echoes - EP
Echoes - EP
Rough Trade On a Cheap Promotion
Rough Trade On a Cheap Promotion
Seven Year Itch
Seven Year Itch
Mondo Weird
Mondo Weird
Celibacy & Anadin
Celibacy & Anadin
Tourniquets of Love Desire
Tourniquets of Love Desire
Hollow - EP
Hollow - EP
Monochrome I - EP
Monochrome I - EP
Monochrome II - EP
Monochrome II - EP
Related Information for Children On Stun
saw the band laying both Whitby and Judgemnet Day festivals and releasing Dirt their second single. 2010 is already looking busy with the Awakening Tour, starting in Berlin and finishing so far in DV8 festival York. Ansd also the release of their debut album post Traumatic Stress that is being engineered by Steve Carey.March 2010 seesThe Stripper Project nearing completion of their debut album. The album is being recorded and produced by the band themselves as they believe that the only person(s) who can commit them to plastic in their true sound is themselves.There is no definite title at this point although their myspace page eludes to several different "working titles". There is no set release date yet due to the bands desire t... read more
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