Top Chromium Albums
click on the album covers to see chromium lyrics inside the album
Blood Lust - EP
Blood Lust - EP
Confessions of a Hero
Confessions of a Hero
Intro Spectre
Intro Spectre
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Related Information for Chromium
1 At some point in a band’s career you have to make a decision to persevere through the hard times and go forward or just quit! CHROMIUM personifies what courage, perseverance and an undying work ethic is Originating from the sleepy South African town of Port Elizabeth, CHROMIUM made the big leap into the industry by relocating to the music capital of South Africa, Johannesburg, where they burst onto the scene with a massive presence and new energy that the people were cravingThe internationally renowned quartet has been together for six years With numerous line-up changes and difficult challenges, the band has become a close knit family that is ready to take South African metal to the rest of the world Being a household name... read more
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