The most controversial and entertaining battler of all time. He has a tattoo on his face inspired by the comic book character Spawn. Surrounded by controversy, he has been the talk of the town for a few years.Daylyt has become famous through his antics, including the following:dressing up as:BatmanSpawna slaveJesusthe Headless HorsemanVegetaNeo from the Matrixa KKK membera Crip in a boxDaylyt’s Whitefaced Cousin Bradley Campbellshitting on stagegetting naked on stageshowing his penis on stagerunning out of a battleactually passing out on stagesmearing his ballsweat on his opponent’s facePulling out an umbrella mid-roundrapping in slow-motionHaving his wife twerk in slow-motionHaving several “Neo’s” mimicking him on stageBringi... read more