Top Dead Hot Workshop Albums
click on the album covers to see dead hot workshop lyrics inside the album
Karma Covered Apple
Karma Covered Apple
Old Favorites & New Ones Too
Old Favorites & New Ones Too
Heavy Meadow
Heavy Meadow
White House
White House
River Otis - EP
River Otis - EP
Related Information for Dead Hot Workshop
Tempe, AZ-based singer/songwriter Brent Babb joined with drummer/bandleader Curtis Grippe to form the guitar-driven rock band Dead Hot Workshop in the early '90s. More than a decade (and four albums) later, the group remained one of the hardest-hitting bands on the West Coast. According to Roger Clyne of Tempe.-based band the Peacemakers, "Music people in this city get as excited about what Brent Babb does as people did about what Dylan was doing in the '60s."While their early sound centered on the two-guitar attack of Babb and Steve Larson and Babb's working-class-oriented lyrics, Dead Hot Workshop was forced to reorganize following the departure of Larson in June 1997. They recorded their second albu... read more
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